Sunday, July 14, 2013

Now What Was My Post About?

I had this idea for an incredible post. It was filled with great scripture references and meaningful life application. I couldn't wait to hunker down and write it out.

Then I forgot! ha!

Why? Because life happened! Because I'm a wife. Because I'm a mom. Because I forget everything!

Our weekend went a little like this:


We started with a 5 hour day at the water park. That will wipe anybody out! Why 5 hours? We purchased season passes and we are going to go until they drain the pools and dry the slides!

I even came home and grilled burgers and hot dogs! (insert applause here!)

Kids took a quick nap and then they were off to football practice with their father, better known as "Coach Poppy."  After a long practice, we couldn't end a 100 degree heat day without a trip to the local snow cone shop. That was dinner. No one complained!


I worked an 11 hour day while my man worked and shuffled kids for mariachi and cheer. With my aching feet, we took the 6 year old to the toy store because his gift card was burning a hole in his pocket. BTW...That $15 gift card cost me $25 when it was all said and done! Yes his smile was worth it but blah blah blah! He's getting a limit. His adorableness will lose power one day. Not anytime soon though.

Because this Proverbs 31 woman wasn't cooking, we had family dinner at an Asian restaurant. My two older children were happy to eat out of course. Noodles, chopsticks and a 6 year old means he was hungry an hour later! He enjoyed his microwaved corn dog. (No guilt here)  Momma was TI-RED.


Sunday we worshipped. My sweet girl and I went to see her friends praise dance at their church. It was Youth Sunday! So a normally 1 1/2 hour service ended up being 3 hours long. The boys ate without us and we didn't mind at all. We went to a nice restaurant and treated ourselves to a girls only lunch. Of course, we ordered dessert to go! I couldn't pass up the four layer red velvet cheesecake. Amen and Amen again!

On full stomachs and a rainy day we took a nap, read books and played with that $40 toy.

As I recall the details of our weekend, I didn't include the cleaning, cooking, arguing, playing, spilling, breaking, crying, stomach aches, scrapes, hair combing, ironing, phone calls and running. I'm sure I left something off the list!

And that brings me to now!

Now what was my post about?!

I can't even begin to recall the particulars of it. It was going to be wonderful and insightful. I promise it really was!

Today I only have this...

My weekend was busy like most days during this season of my life. But it didn't escape me that He kept us, covered us and protected us. He put clothes on our backs, food on the table and a roof over our heads. These things may seem simple and insignificant until the day you don't have them. (Did I just sound like my Momma?!)

God's grace in our everyday lives is overwhelming. The small things we take for granted daily are completely because of his goodness and mercy! We are drowning in His love! How He love us...

This was my weekend song. Enjoy!

Anthony Evans "How He Loves"


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