Monday, April 27, 2015

Still Under Construction!

I am constantly running interference on behalf of my children. So many things are pulling at them for their attention and their hearts.  TV, movies, games, and music are all aimed at deceiving them into a world of discontent and a hollow form of happiness.

We have to steadily find opportunity to fill them with the truth of God's word while modeling a fulfilled life in Christ.

That's work because this world is after us too! 

More money. More things.

More anything!

If we are not diligent in being fixed on our purpose in parenting, we can easily be distracted while leaving our children uncovered and ill-equipped.

Parents, we can attend weekly church services and still not prepare our kids in living a life for Christ.

While fighting for them this weekend in prayer, I was reminded of a previous blog post from April 2013.


I wanted to share it again because it encouraged me so much and gave me new energy at the importance of building Kingdom in our kids!


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Sunday, April 19, 2015


Where do your beliefs come from?

The importance of our childhood is often overlooked.  The saturation of pop psychology in our society has made us incurious and negligent regarding the events or situations that assembled who we are and what we believe. Nonetheless, our childhood is what gave us our infrastructure in which we shaped our lives.

The presence of both parents or the absence of one consigned to us our philosophy of love and marriage. Their attendance, or lack thereof, and quality of participation dictated our theory regarding faith, self,  relationships, commitment, responsibility, and work to only select a few.

Our home environment, family relationships, culture, traditions, entertainment and more during our formative years have remarkably influenced how we live our lives as adults. These experiences guide us in making from the least and trivial to the most significant decisions in our lives.

For example, if we experienced the divorce of parents at the age of 9, we form ideas regarding men, women, commitment and marriage.  As adults, even though we have greater aptitude and competence, we typically do not change these ideas. Instead of challenging these conclusions, we continue to make adult decisions in these areas with a 9 year old's understanding and feelings.

Many of us are continuing to live our days through our limited views as children.


I'm not saying that every aspect of our childhood has to be viewed differently. Many of us had great experiences in our homes and with our families. The commitment and love of my family have shaped the structure of my home today. However, I'm emphasizing that some of our most difficult issues currently are a result of earlier mishandled experiences and decisions.

But God!

Re-Defining these experiences through God's Word is essential in healing and living out an abundant life in Jesus Christ!
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:14 
Whatever situation or circumstance we were born in, left in, or given, we are purposed in being here.
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them". Ephesians 2:10
And BLESS the Lord for this!
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17
Thank God that our value is not evidenced in how we were treated. Nor is it placed in our circumstances or descriptions given by others.
"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 
At some point we need to challenge our beliefs about faith, love, life, relationships, marriage, self-worth, success, etc. We need to question those ideas that were formed on the frailty of human behavior and the restricted comprehension of a child. Unfortunately, some of our current arduous situations are dictated by these ill formed axioms.

We need to abandon any theory or definition that is not from God and embrace our identity and purpose in Him!

What do you believe?


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Sunday, April 12, 2015


With busy lives and even busier minds, sometimes we need a reminder.

We need to know that we are forgiven. Redeemed. We are the loved. 

In the midst of living life, we disappoint, fail and make many mistakes.  When we do, sometimes we forget.

We forget that there is no mistake, disappointment or failure too dreadful that it cannot be forgiven by a loving and merciful God.

So go to Him.

Right now.

He's there.

Ready to discuss it with you. As you come in truth and humility, He will help you. He isn't surprised nor put off by your sin.

There is NOTHING too hard for Him.

Give it to Him.

He's there.

Ready to cleanse.

Ready to get to the core of your issues.

Ready to restore.

He's there.

He gives grace to humble, so don't show up in pride.

He is close to the contrite heart. So come in your brokenness.

He wants to wipe away your pain.

He wants to wipe away your tears.

He wants to renew your hope.

He wants to give you a new song.

He wants to make you new.

"God is sheer mercy and grace; not easily angered, he is rich in love. He doesn't endlessly nag and scold, nor hold grudges forever. He doesn't treat us as our sins deserve, nor pay us back in full for our wrongs. As high as heaven is over the earth, so strong is his love to those who fear him. And as far as sunrise is from sunset, he has separated us from our sins. As parents feel for their children, God feels for those who fear him."  Psalm 103:8-13 The Message


copyright 2015 All rights reserved.

Monday, April 6, 2015

You Are What You Eat!

I've said it before and I'll say it again I love to eat!

I really do and no parts of me are ashamed of it.

Yes I am an emotional eater because food makes me happy! A warm piece of chocolate cake sitting next to a scoop of vanilla ice cream is a kiss of comfort. A good piece of corn bread positioned next to a heap of mustard greens makes me want to cry OUT! (Don't judge me!)

Because of this love and fascination with food, I'm always looking for the next great recipe. Something different. Something new. Something that will make my family want to rise up and call me "Blessed!"

My poor family. They never really know what they will see when they park themselves at the dinner table. It's a good thing. It keeps them on their toes. It broadens their limited palates. It makes them very nervous.

My 14 year old son will eat anything that isn't nailed down to the table. He eats all day. Everyday. It's like a sport. He will eat bean and cheese burritos everyday if I would let him. My 13 year old daughter doesn't like sauces or condiments. But she eats spaghetti. She eats her veggies but not salads because she cannot have a wet salad dressing on it. But she loves barbecue with sauce. My 8 year old says vegetables destroy his taste buds. So it takes him an hour to eat 3 bites of peas. My husband eats whatever I cook. Not picky. He just wants a good home cooked meal

Needless to say, none of these desires and limitations interfere with my creativity. I'm so serious. I have five people to feed and I don't have time to make sure I cover every one's preferences. Whatever I cook is what's for dinner. I'm that mom.  If you don't like it tonight, hold on! You may get lucky tomorrow night.

So this week was no different.  As I served them, I saw that they were eating food that at one time they were utterly unyielding over and declaring that they would detest it. They were devouring food that made them dry heave when told to take at least ONE trial bite.

This made me understand that as a parent I give them their food preferences. I set their palates. I teach them what's healthy. I train them to choose options that they will glean the benefits and not have to repair the damage because of them.

It  made me think of what I feed myself?

Then I wondered...

In what other areas of their lives am I feeding?  What are their desires in music? Clothing? Education? Entertainment?

What are mine?

What do they desire spiritually? Do they have a palate for the things of Christ? Or have I not demonstrated or fed them enough in this area for them to even have a taste for Him?

Do I have a taste for Him?

Am I feeding them things that will give them life regardless of their preferences? Or am I serving according to their short lived feelings which results in a life of entitlement and self indulgence?

What am I feeding myself? Are my preferences His or mine? Does my life portray my choices? Does what others see in my behavior and choices represent what I say? Or does it contradict?


I have to be up for the challenge of resistance. My kids nor I will always want to sit and read God's Word.

But we must.

There may be attempts to stray from modesty in clothing and behavior.

But we can't.

We may listen and then dismiss when we hear about what the Bible teaches us about love, serving others and sharing Christ.

But there is no alternative.

I have to keep molding, feeding and establishing their appetites and mine because the world is preparing a feast for us daily. A spread that will only give us an initial sense of fulfillment but leave us with a longing and emptiness that can never be fully satisfied.

Bon Appetit!


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