Monday, February 10, 2014

Grandmother's Favorite

My Grandmother recently celebrated her 83rd birthday!

My sweet girl and her Great Grandmother
Great Grandmothers are a Blessing!

She has been my joy since I was a girl in pigtails. I was her first grandchild and I am her favorite! Well, that's how she has made all of us feel over the years. Her favorite.

I have great memories of her humming as she cooked and cleaned. I would sit and watch her do everything. She did it all effortlessly.

I remember her:
*teaching me how to thread a sewing machine.
*baking cakes without recipes
*teaching me how to make popcorn balls
*laughing as she told the stories of her children.
*standing in the middle aisle at church as an usher
*cooking Sunday dinner on Saturday night
*singing in the choir
*pressing my hair

I can go on and on attempting to recapture all of The Wonderful we have had over the years. But we don't have that kind of time!

As much as I remember, unfortunately she does not.  At times her memory fades and her 83 years of memories deviate from the simplicity of daily routine, familiar faces and chronological order.

I find something intriguing about the aging mind of my Grandmother. As much as she forgets or seems as if she is speaking from another place and time, her love of the Lord remains in tact!

She has not forgotten the One whom her soul loves. She is saturated in Him. His word is still there and she remembers it flawlessly. She continues to tell of His goodness and how He has brought her through the years. When I wished her a happy birthday, she did not remember that I have lived hundreds of miles away for the past 26 years. However, she reminded me that it was the Lord who gave her 83 years!

What a testament to the power of God and His word!

My Grandmother continues to live a life giving thanks for His grace and mercy! This is who I've known and have loved dearly over the years. She has always sang praises and gave witness to His power. She has given us a legacy of Jesus that has been passed through my mother, myself and now penetrating my children.

I don't know about you but this makes me examine my heart and mind!

Are you saturated in His word? Or are you driven by the wisdom of the world? When life squeezes, do you leak witness to Him? Or do you drip questions of your faith and His integrity? Is your mind clothed in His ways? Or are you covered in human reason? Do you have His word in the crevices of your heart? Or are you driven by the chaos of your emotions?

Is God's Word and your Love for Him your Autopilot? 


Over the years my cousins, aunts and uncles have all carried the honor of being her favorite.  I'm afraid that we have been fooling ourselves. She has given us her favorite!

How He Loves Us!


copyright 2014 All rights reserved

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fact, Fiction, and Feelings!

We have something to talk about.

I mean we are in desperate need to get something straight!

Being a counselor, I have the privilege of serving people.  I am humbled by this opportunity to walk with others during difficult seasons and am in awe of God's grace and love for us. I mention that because I have been serving in this capacity for 13 years and have served many people from many walks of life. I've heard many things and have seen many faces.

I have one question. 

What is going on?

We've been hoodwinked!  Bamboozled! Lied to! Deceived!

How?  Our Feelings or Emotions!

I wonder what you are feeling right now. At this moment. What are they saying to you?


I'm feeling bored, therefore, I'm hungry. Seriously.  I love food and I love to eat.  Sorry Oprah and Dr. Phil! I am an emotional eater. Food makes me happy.  Because of this, I get up at 4:30 in the morning to exercise. (There's always a price isn't it?!)

I'm asking about your feelings because we are being led by them. We are making life decisions on them. We are raising our kids with them. We are choosing our mates with them. We are choosing our wardrobes with them! YIKES!

And because of this we are CONFUSED! Why? Because feelings change.

Wait. Clarity: Emotions are not wrong. They are important, created by God, and should be used wisely. However, they have no intellect. All they do is react. They will react to a lie like they react to the truth. They react to things that are not real in the same manner as though it is reality. They are the response not the thought!  They must always be second. Not first!

Proverbs 28:26  "He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool: but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered." 

Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and is exceedingly corrupt. Who can know it?"

When we react in emotions, we often end up saying or doing things in error and then we regret. Our feelings get stirred up and drown out God's voice and His insight.  As a result, we make commitments we shouldn't make. We quit things in which God wants us to remain involved. We are confused about our destiny and purpose. We say things that damage people and relationships.  We have emotional experiences, make decisions, and live with the life long consequences. Daily. (Can I get a witness?!)

So what now? What do we do? How do we filter our emotions?

Our feelings are based on our beliefs. What do you believe? What is your source of truth. It CANNOT be you! It must be the Word of God!

What does God's word say about it? Yes I will always go back to Him and His word. That's all I have! I can't give you my thoughts. I have issues too! I laugh, cry, want to be alone, and with everybody in 30 minute increments 1 or 2 weeks of every month!  (Forties!)

Psalm 119: 105 "You word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path."

I want to encourage you (and me) to stop submitting to your emotions. Stop depending and placing more value on how you feel rather than the Word of God. Make His word priority over your feelings. Believe what the Bible says! It is real. It is truth. It is relevant.


copyright 2014 All rights reserved.