Monday, May 20, 2013

Hello?! Are you there?

Do you ever feel like God is ignoring you?

I remember growing up and hearing the song "Jesus is on the main line, tell him what you want!" I loved that song as a little girl. I remember daydreaming about picking up the phone and actually being able to talk to God. I would get so excited about having the privilege of God wanting to speak with me. One of my favorite lines in the song was "The line is never too busy, tell him what you want!"

Well I'm not a little girl anymore and although I have grown and understand that the whole song is not about a phone call but praying, it still doesn't dismiss the fact that sometimes it feels like when I call him it goes to voicemail. It feels as if he is either blocking my calls or he sees that it's me and pushes ignore!

Surely, I'm not the only one!  I am completely aware that my feelings are just that. Feelings. Without reason or intellect, feelings are purely chaotic and capable of ruining the best of relationships. So I know that he's not putting me on his "do not call" list. But it sure feels like something is NOT going on.

No answers.

No direction.

No "ah ha!" moments after the Sunday sermon or quiet time.

Nothing. Silence.

It's usually during these times when you hear others talk about all of the amazing things happening in their lives. They are sharing about how God is answering their prayers. You've heard the testimonies of how they were down to their absolute last and someone sends them a check that pays their bills and sends their children to college for free.  All 8 of them. Oh and the one about how they were without work and while they were in the grocery store they held the door for an older lady. She thanked them and mentioned that she happened to own a Fortune 500 company and hired them to a very lucrative position.

I know I'm exaggerating (and laughing) but it sure seems that way when you are hearing NOTHING!

I have and am in the midst of one of these seasons in my life. I have questions and situations before the Lord and I'm hearing *crickets.*  I have what I feel are urgent needs and am getting no response.

Too many times our tendency is to go negative and ask "why me?" We wonder if we have disappointed him or if he's angry with us.  Sometimes in our urgency we may attempt to manufacture his voice by convincing ourselves that what we want is what he wanted to happen anyway. "I feel it. It must be true!"

I don't have your answer. I don't even have mine but maybe he is speaking through the silence.

Maybe he's saying that he wants us to trust and believe in what he has already said. We have to go back to his word.

Maybe he's saying wait while he's working it out for us.

Maybe he's saying no because he has something better.

Maybe his reasons for not speaking to us are as mysterious as he is!

"Just as you'll never understand the mystery of life forming in a pregnant woman, So you'll never understand the mystery at work in all that God does." Ecclesiastes 11:5

Whether he answers to our approval or not, we can always rest in the fact that he is in control.

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10a

Or what if it is as simple as he IS speaking and WE have to be silent?


copyright 2013 All rights reserved.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I know I'm not alone!!

  2. It's like you wrote this for me. I asked myself the same questions this morning- where is God in the midst of this. Thank You for the encouragement. I appreciate it.

    1. Thank you. Standing with you on the Lord's promise in Matthew 28:20 "...I am with you always..."

  3. Been in this season myself for longer than I like. I was reading this and wondering how you were in my head? Still trusting His mystery. Thanks for the reminder today.

  4. Amen...Trusting His mystery! He is faithful.
