Monday, July 29, 2013

Faith, Mariachi and My Boy!

This weekend my son sang a solo for the first time in front of an audience. This was a step of faith for him. He's not usually the kid who wants to have all of the attention on him. Well...he doesn't like to be the center of attention when I'm around. Stinker!

This time he actually volunteered for the opportunity of being on a stage and singing a song in a language he does not speak!  Why? He said he knew he could do it  Philippians 4:13! Is this my kid?!

This week he attended a Mariachi Camp at a nearby university. He said that he had the time of his life. Approximately 80 students from all over in one camp learning from the best.  I instructed him to have a good time and to call me to check in every now and then. Well, I received two phone calls in five days. One was voluntarily and the other was under threat of me coming to pick him up from camp. He had a great time and he called.  I guess he followed instructions!

Can you tell which one is mine?! :)

UNT Mariachi Camp 2013
with Jose Hernandez!

The students performed at the close of camp and it was awesome. He was incredible! He is in love with music. He loves Mariachi! Yes he has Mexican heritage from his father, but I would have never guessed he'd be this in love! As he sang, I cried like a baby. I am overwhelmed by God's sovereignty, I am in awe of how God has orchestrated his life and the lives of our family.

He's 12. Can I get him to have this much passion for cleaning his room? I would pay good money for that to happen! I know. I know. It ain't happening anytime soon!

This continues to remind me that God is in complete control and He has a plan. Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 

He has plans for us! It may look nothing like our plans. It may not be in a familiar place or with familiar people. But He has a plan and it is for our good! We have to be open for the opportunity. We have to be willing to say YES.

Where is your step of faith? What are His plans for you? Could it be in an unfamiliar place? Could it be with unfamiliar people? Are you willing?

My son has no limits on the God he serves. It is mind blowing to watch. He loves what he knows about our God and is willing to admit that he doesn't know it all. But he is willing to trust in Him. He knows he can do it because he chooses not to believe he can't.

That is Faith.


"Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."  Hebrews 11:1

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Confidence: An 11 Year Old Lesson!

You can enter my home at any moment and see evidence of my 11 year old daughter.  Colored pencils, scrapbook paper, cut outs, and glue are strewn all over the floor in at least two rooms of the house. I absolutely love this age! Kisses, hugs, love letters, snuggles and girl time are her favorites! She still giggles and enjoys hanging out with her mom! I just love her! I don't want her to grow up. I keep asking her to slow down but she keeps growing.  *sniff*

I wanted to share her with you. She is a wonderful writer and loves sharing her love for the Lord. She is my Guest Blogger this week! I hope you enjoy. 

These are her thoughts!

Many people won't believe it but being eleven takes a lot of confidence. From the classroom, to sports, to friends, confidence is a very crucial aspect for everyone.

A few months ago, I fractured my elbow during a cheerleader tumbling lesson. Devastation, pain, and hopelessness filled my heart at the news from the doctor. I knew that my life as a cheerleader took a real big crash. 

It was hard for me to watch the other girls jump and flip across the floor. All I did was sit in a wooden chair and take notes. It's hard for an eleven year old to watch other girls be amazing and not able to join in on the fun.

After nine weeks of being out, it was hard for me to get back in the rhythm of things when I got my cast off. My jumps weren't close to great. My round offs looked like cartwheels! When I stretched, I looked liked a 100 year old lady getting off the floor!

I was tired of being on the sideline and being the only one left out. I was tired of "Are you OK?' and "Do you need help?" I prayed and prayed until my voice was hoarse. I said things like "Help me become like the cheerleader I was before."

After many talks with my Mom and many prayers, God stuffed confidence into me! He made me not see what I was but what I would become. He got me to get to work and start believing in myself.

Today I am doing back handsprings and looking forward to working on back tucks!

The Lord God has been a real big...well not a big but a HUMONGOUS part of my life. He's shown me confidence, the thing that I was lacking.

My confidence comes from Him. Philippians 4:13 says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This is a beautiful thing. This has really changed my life. I don't have to count on my strength. I know I can count on His strength in everything I do...even a back handspring!

Confidence in Him opens doors in you that you have never seen! It's a blessing from God. 



I'm her Mom but I'm a big baby. I'm crying reading this! Sweetness...

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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Now What Was My Post About?

I had this idea for an incredible post. It was filled with great scripture references and meaningful life application. I couldn't wait to hunker down and write it out.

Then I forgot! ha!

Why? Because life happened! Because I'm a wife. Because I'm a mom. Because I forget everything!

Our weekend went a little like this:


We started with a 5 hour day at the water park. That will wipe anybody out! Why 5 hours? We purchased season passes and we are going to go until they drain the pools and dry the slides!

I even came home and grilled burgers and hot dogs! (insert applause here!)

Kids took a quick nap and then they were off to football practice with their father, better known as "Coach Poppy."  After a long practice, we couldn't end a 100 degree heat day without a trip to the local snow cone shop. That was dinner. No one complained!


I worked an 11 hour day while my man worked and shuffled kids for mariachi and cheer. With my aching feet, we took the 6 year old to the toy store because his gift card was burning a hole in his pocket. BTW...That $15 gift card cost me $25 when it was all said and done! Yes his smile was worth it but blah blah blah! He's getting a limit. His adorableness will lose power one day. Not anytime soon though.

Because this Proverbs 31 woman wasn't cooking, we had family dinner at an Asian restaurant. My two older children were happy to eat out of course. Noodles, chopsticks and a 6 year old means he was hungry an hour later! He enjoyed his microwaved corn dog. (No guilt here)  Momma was TI-RED.


Sunday we worshipped. My sweet girl and I went to see her friends praise dance at their church. It was Youth Sunday! So a normally 1 1/2 hour service ended up being 3 hours long. The boys ate without us and we didn't mind at all. We went to a nice restaurant and treated ourselves to a girls only lunch. Of course, we ordered dessert to go! I couldn't pass up the four layer red velvet cheesecake. Amen and Amen again!

On full stomachs and a rainy day we took a nap, read books and played with that $40 toy.

As I recall the details of our weekend, I didn't include the cleaning, cooking, arguing, playing, spilling, breaking, crying, stomach aches, scrapes, hair combing, ironing, phone calls and running. I'm sure I left something off the list!

And that brings me to now!

Now what was my post about?!

I can't even begin to recall the particulars of it. It was going to be wonderful and insightful. I promise it really was!

Today I only have this...

My weekend was busy like most days during this season of my life. But it didn't escape me that He kept us, covered us and protected us. He put clothes on our backs, food on the table and a roof over our heads. These things may seem simple and insignificant until the day you don't have them. (Did I just sound like my Momma?!)

God's grace in our everyday lives is overwhelming. The small things we take for granted daily are completely because of his goodness and mercy! We are drowning in His love! How He love us...

This was my weekend song. Enjoy!

Anthony Evans "How He Loves"


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Sunday, July 7, 2013


Sorry this is another running post. :-)  I 'm training for my fourth marathon and I'm spending a lot of time running. I promise it won't happen every week but today...hang in there!

I actually made it to my first group run this weekend. It was incredible. I was able to be with my people! It was a 6 mile run and I was a bit worried because I didn't get all my runs in during the week.  I really don't understand how the other running moms do it. I can't. Mariachi, competition cheer, and football always seem to happen during the time I'm supposed to be running. I could get up at 4am and run like my other running friends BUT that's not what I'm hearing in my inner man! (old school church) Only thing happening at 4am is my nighttime hot flashes! That's another post!

6 miles apparently is a walk in the park for my running group. They sailed right through. I, on the other hand, had forgotten how long 6 miles actually was.

Mile 3: I was questioning my decision to train again.
Mile 5: I was questioning my decision making skills and purpose in life.
Mile 6: I was trying my best to cross the finish, not pass out, and at the same time act like it was a piece of cake!

After running three marathons, I forgot about this part. I forgot about the pain of training. I didn't remember that as I ran with my group, it was my legs that I felt get tired. I forgot about the loss of toenails, blisters and injuries.

I only remembered the start and finish!

 Marathon 2009
It's such an incredible feeling to stand with thousands as I began on the day of the race. It was even more fulfilling to run across the finish line. Seeing my loved ones at the finish line waiting to embrace me and the feelings of actually running 26.2 miles were overwhelming.

But the MIDDLE...

I forgot about the running part! I actually forgot about the time between the start and finish. That's where we all are. You and I are in The Middle. It was great starting out with fellow believers and you can only imagine what it will be like to spend Eternity with the One whom you love most. But now it's your legs that you feel getting tired. It's your child who's walked away from the faith. It's your home that foreclosed. It's your marriage that's in trouble. It's your life that you feel is falling apart.

There are neither training sessions for the start of a race, nor sessions for how to cross the finish line. But the whole training group is dedicated to getting through the middle.

The Holy Spirit reminded me that the Bible (God's Word) was given to us to get us through the middle. From Genesis to Revelation, the Lord uses his word to encourage, instruct, heal, nourish, mend, and deliver while we are in the middle. We can't run a race and not get direction and instruction about the course.

He is our Guide:
"I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."  Psalm 32:8
He is strengthening us:
"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance." Romans 5:3
He knows our pain, We must accept His help:
"Now that we know what we have - Jesus, the great High Priest with ready access to God - let's not let it slip though our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all - but without sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help." Hebrews 4: 14-16.
We can't stop. There is a finish!
"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him."  James 1:12
I keep trying to end this neatly. I keep writing and rewriting my close. But the Holy Spirit keeps reminding me that it's not over. He has more for us. We're still in the Middle!


"Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."  Hebrews 12:1

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Position or Love?

I wanted to write something meaningful and informational regarding current events. I did my due diligence in researching opinions, articles, and blogs. I just couldn't come up with anything that would be different than what's already out there. It's been said countless times what God is for and against. The Church's position has been blogged, argued, and challenged. I'm sure I could continue to lament about the state of our country. I could complain and shake my head in disgust.  However, I decided that there is enough of that going on. I didn't need to add anything to that pile. It was large enough!

It would be easy to continue the angry rants and condemnation that we so self righteously articulate and justify with scripture. Although the Bible is very clear and does not waiver, we must not engage in rage and ostracize those we are trying to reach.

We were commanded in John 13:35 to love:
"Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples-- when they see the love you have for each other."
Let us not forget that we are saved by grace! Ephesians 2: 8-10
"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
It's easy to get lost in what's right and wrong and forget that we have a mission. We are to show the world the love of Christ and tell them the good news of Christ.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not discounting that we have an enemy. I Peter 5:8
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
However, we can stand firm in God's Word with the humility of Christ.

Matthew 5:9 reminds us.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Issues are becoming more complex while politics and opinions fuel division. We are to be careful and not take the bait of discord, condemnation and hate.

Have you searched your heart? Are you recognized by your love or your position? Is your goal peace or to perpetuate the dialogue of anger and hate?

Don't forget that we are all in need of a Savior. The ground is leveled at the foot of the cross.


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