Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Computer Died!

So, I'm writing and my computer dies!

I shut down. Moved to my room. Tried to turn it on and...nothing,

What is that you say?

Yes I did that. I tried that too. And NOTHING!

The normal blogger writes on their site and it saves periodically. Nope. Not me!

I'm special. I write in MS Word and then paste to my blog. It's a comfort thing. I can't explain it. I'm old.

It doesn't matter now. It's GONE. Everything is gone.

Did I backup? Online? Yes but not since...

I'm now on my IPad realizing how absolutely useless it is! Don't get me wrong I love this thing but it can't help me now. Useless! Now I know why there's an App for everything!

And Breathe.

I'm laying hands on my computer now. Praying. Pleading.

This. is. not. happening!

Pictures. Videos. Writing.

Not Happening!

It is.


To me.

And Breathe.

So needless to say. I'm a mess! But in all of this I know deep down inside that it's ok.

Really it is. Okay.  I will take it to a specialist and it will be okay. They will recover my files. Right? And After all of this, I will get A NEW ONE!!

There's always a bright side my friends! (This moment of sanity will soon be replaced by sobbing and rambling.)

I would post a pic but I need to download an app. I refuse!

My computer dies and there's no App for that!

Now...back to fetal position.

Stay tuned...

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