Monday, January 13, 2014

Missing Moments...

After a long exhausting day of work, I geared up to go home only to start what I call my real job.  There's so much to do but of course there isn't enough time. I work about 30 minutes from my home but this day it took about 2. I left work and arrived at my house. I couldn't tell you how I got there. My body was on autopilot and I missed the ride home.  I was so disappointed because I LOVE riding in my car alone. You must understand! It is my place of silence and tranquility. I can talk out loud to God. I can listen to the music I want. I can sing with a voice that ONLY the Lord enjoys! But this day I missed the whole ride! 

I'm sure you've been there. We've all been there. We arrive and wonder "how?"  During the journey, our minds take us to places other than where we are or where we are going. It begins with a single thought. It then transforms into daydreams, wishes, wonders and unbridled imaginations.


That's what it is! Not fully present. Not experiencing the now. Being in the place but missing the moment.

I often wonder how many times this happens in our daily lives. Because it surely takes place. With substantial amounts of  technology, entertainment and busyness, it's easy to lose time in things that divert our attention from what's most significant.

The indisputable would be that we lose closeness in our walk with the Lord. How many times do we check Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Skype, email, phones, etc? Now compare that time with the amount of time we spend checking in with the Lord. Yep...I'm going to leave that alone.  Just marinate on that one! I'm telling my own issues now...NEXT!

What are we missing with our family because we are distracted by the complaints and frustrations of being with them?

Are we disengaging from the experiences we desire most?

Are we longing for a time in the future, only to get there and realize that we've missed the time we had when we were there in the past?

What are the sights, smells, and sounds that have gone unnoticed on the journey between prayer request and answered prayer?

I cringe to think of the countless times that I've missed the sweetness of the presence of God. I ache to ruminate on the reality of unnoticed whispers of the Holy Spirit.

I've started my day longing for Him and then became distracted by the events of the day. He directed me to Him and I've walked right by Him. I cower in the confession that it was purely because of disengagement and distractions!

But GOD..

I'm so thankful that in all of our distractions He holds to his promise that He never leaves us! He's there.

Deuteronomy 31:8 "It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed."

Hebrews 13:5 "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

Praise GOD!

I challenge you to eliminate your distractions. Ask the Lord to help you engage.

Don't miss your moments.  Don't miss your comfort. Don't miss your encouragement. Don't miss your peace.

He's There.

Don't miss Him.


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