I don't want to write today. I'm exhausted. Every aspect of my life right now has a responsibility attached to it and somehow everything will fall apart if I don't get everything done!
Don't tell anyone I said this but I don't want to do anything!
Have you ever felt that?
Not wanting to engage in anything or anyone. Not even do the thing you love most.
Just wanting to sit.
Just sit.
I don't want to think.
I don't want to plan.
I don't want to solve a problem.
I don't want to read a book.
I don't want to mediate an argument.
I don't want to wash a dish.
I don't want to clean anything.
I don't want to do anything.
I want to turn off.
I want to sleep.
I want to relax.
I want to eat food that I do not have to cook and on dishes that I do not have to wash.
I want to lay in a bed that I don't have to make in a room that I don't have to clean.
I want to aimlessly surf the Internet and get sucked into a YouTube black hole.
I want to go at least 7 layers deep on Pinterest Boards
I want to watch mindless television and every movie I've seen at least 100 times already.
I want the remote.
I want to sip on a ridiculous espresso drink like "soy triple threat with an extra shot of gooey goodness and topped with double whip cream" and nibble on a piece of something made with white sugar. And I want it for breakfast and lunch.
And I want to do all of this in cotton clothes without buttons or zippers.
It's just one of those days. It's not a depression. It's not any one's fault. It's not a strike.
It's REST!
I want REST!
Unfortunately we have been deceived into thinking that rest is laziness. It's not being productive with our time. We are being duped into believing that every day should end in the lists being completed and projects being done. We've been told that successful people keep going. Anything less than giving 100% of your efforts and 100% of your time, is considered unfocused and aiming for failure. As a result, we feel guilty for resting.
We are exhausted. We are overwhelmed. We are stressed. We are overworked. We are over planned. We are over committed.
So I have taken it upon myself to give you the following information, It will give you FREEDOM from this foolishness.
It is Written!
Psalm 127:2 "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat--for he grants sleep to those he loves."
Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"
Won't He Do it!
Mark 6:31 "And he said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.' For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure to even eat."
Yes Sir!
Exodus 33:14 "And he said My presence with go with you and I will give you rest''
I'll take it!
Jeremiah 31:25 "For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish."
Thank you Lord!
Go Ahead and do Nothing!
The Creator of the Universe said it. So we have to do it.
And the next time someone complains or questions your "Nothing," just quickly remind them that it's in the Bible. You are just being obedient to God's word! :)
And you know that God's Word is true. It's real. And it never fails!
Let the Church say AMEN!
copyright 2015. All Rights Reserved.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Sunday, March 22, 2015
"That was Cool Mom!"
I am completely captivated by my oldest son. He is intelligent, comical, and extremely talented. He is my heart and I treasure his smile.
He is 14.
So the little boy who used to tell me everything about his day and ask to take my hand with him to school has grown up.
His words are few.
He eats everything.
His smiles have changed from the excitement of our time together to him telling stories about his time with friends.
A few days ago he asked me to come outside and ride his longboard. He wanted me to "bomb some sick hills" with him. (That's skateboard down a hill for us who are over 35)
He is 14.
So the little boy who used to tell me everything about his day and ask to take my hand with him to school has grown up.
His words are few.
He eats everything.
His smiles have changed from the excitement of our time together to him telling stories about his time with friends.
A few days ago he asked me to come outside and ride his longboard. He wanted me to "bomb some sick hills" with him. (That's skateboard down a hill for us who are over 35)
I agreed. Of course I did. My 14 year old son is not asking me to longboard. He's asking me to spend time with him. So I go. I accept the challenge.
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That's not me! That's my boy and the sick hill I bombed! |
As I walked outside, the only thought I had was that when I was younger I had a red skateboard with metal wheels and I made it do what it DO! Do you hear me?! I was the skateboarding QUEEN!
Hills. No problem.
Turns. How many?
Stopping. Why?
So of course I was READY!
I bravely got on the board.
And something began to happen.. It wasn't familiar. Wobbling of some sort.
I wondered who took my BALANCE because it was not with me!
My body kept moving without my permission. I began to try to get some control. It wanted to fall and I kept fighting it. And that was only one foot.
When I carefully placed my other foot on the board, my hands automatically went straight up in the air. It was like they were on autopilot. What is happening?!
Where are the breaks?
Wait. Just wait. It's moving by itself. Why? I don't remember this.
My mind told me that I could do it. Over and over. My body told me that my mind lied. Over and over.
I can't stop now though. I gotta keep going. I can do this!
My son looked at me with excitement. I couldn't figure out if he smiled at my bravery or he was picturing me falling!
So I push off and proceed to go downhill. WHY did I choose to go down a hill?
Oh NOW my mind wants to be rational! Now it's asking the right questions. I'm rolling down a hill! A HILL!
My mind changed and began to betray me. It proceeded to tell me about death on a skateboard. It flashed pictures of me falling and breaking bones. It whispered to me that I could fall and knock out my front teeth. Lord knows that dental insurance does not cover implants!
I'm rolling faster. This is crazy. WHAT am I doing?
How do I turn?
My kids are screaming "Go Mommy!"
I go. Hands up in air. The ground moving quickly past me.
How do I stop?!
Abort! Abort!
My mind quickly told me "You are doing it! GO!"
I raise my hand in victory and yelled out!
My body said " are going to DIE!"
I jumped off!
My heart beating ferociously from excitement and terror!
Then I must act cool because I made it do what it do again.
He was completely excited and I was still ALIVE!
He smiled and said "that was cool mom."
That statement made it all worth it!
He will not remember my inner turmoil or my gripping fear.
He will remember the time when his mom bombed a sick hill with him.
And then he will smile.
Life is quick. Busy. Our kids are growing fast. We want so much for them but mostly they just want our time. They want to share with us what they enjoy.
And when we do.
They will smile.
Yes...even 14 year old boys!
copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved. Images for this blog only.
Monday, March 16, 2015
So my kiddos are HOME and Spring Break 2015 is done!
All is right with the world. We are all together again.
Reunited and it feels so good! (I'm old I know.)
I am so thankful to God that He protected them and brought them home safely. I missed them.
However, I truly enjoyed being home with my 8 year old!
He's such a loving kid. Everyday he held my hand, told me he loved me, and gave me at least 100 kisses.
My husband kept telling him "Say man...get your own wife!"
My sweet boy would just giggle and give me more.
He loved his time with me and I treasured our time together. He talked, laughed, and talked some more. I am now caught up on Transformers, Minecraft, and all things 8 year old boys.
So great.
But at the same time...I prayed!
All week I prayed! Do you hear me?!
I slept but didn't sleep.
I knew my two travelers were fine but couldn't help but wonder.
I prayed all week.
All week I prayed.
I prayed that they would be covered. Protected.
I prayed that they would enjoy themselves. Learn. Experience. Remember. Grow. See
I prayed for the bus driver and the pilot. I actually introduced myself to the driver and told him "Bring my baby back home." Yes...I'm that mom!
I prayed for the bus and the plane.
I prayed for clear safe roads and clear safe skies.
I prayed for their teachers.
I prayed for their friends.
I prayed for there food.
I prayed.
All week.
I know that I can only go so far and do so much.
Everything else is beyond me. Beyond my reach. So many things.
I know that there are so many miracles that need to happen correctly in order for us just to breathe. Cells. Organs. Biological systems. Environmental systems. And that's just to breathe!
I needed them to breathe, come home safely, and everything in between!
All beyond me.
So I prayed to the One who created it all.
The One who speaks and the winds obey Him.
The One who created light from darkness.
The One who created everything from nothing.
And He did.
He answered.
Grace. Mercy.
It's a tremendous comfort to know while in a completely powerless place that the Creator of the Universe is right there with you. Regulating! Orchestrating!
He makes it all happen according to His will, His purpose and for your good!
Prayer works. It does.
What are you praying for? Where do you feel powerless? What's beyond your reach?
Your hard is His easy!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer an supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6.
"Pray without ceasing." I Thessalonians 5:17
"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, an it will be done for you." John 15:7
Prayer works.
It does.
copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved. Images for this blog ONLY.
All is right with the world. We are all together again.
Reunited and it feels so good! (I'm old I know.)
I am so thankful to God that He protected them and brought them home safely. I missed them.
However, I truly enjoyed being home with my 8 year old!
He's such a loving kid. Everyday he held my hand, told me he loved me, and gave me at least 100 kisses.
My husband kept telling him "Say man...get your own wife!"
My sweet boy would just giggle and give me more.
He loved his time with me and I treasured our time together. He talked, laughed, and talked some more. I am now caught up on Transformers, Minecraft, and all things 8 year old boys.
So great.
But at the same time...I prayed!
All week I prayed! Do you hear me?!
I slept but didn't sleep.
I knew my two travelers were fine but couldn't help but wonder.
I prayed all week.
All week I prayed.
I prayed that they would be covered. Protected.
I prayed that they would enjoy themselves. Learn. Experience. Remember. Grow. See
I prayed for the bus driver and the pilot. I actually introduced myself to the driver and told him "Bring my baby back home." Yes...I'm that mom!
I prayed for the bus and the plane.
I prayed for clear safe roads and clear safe skies.
I prayed for their teachers.
I prayed for their friends.
I prayed for there food.
I prayed.
All week.
I know that I can only go so far and do so much.
Everything else is beyond me. Beyond my reach. So many things.
I know that there are so many miracles that need to happen correctly in order for us just to breathe. Cells. Organs. Biological systems. Environmental systems. And that's just to breathe!
I needed them to breathe, come home safely, and everything in between!
All beyond me.
So I prayed to the One who created it all.
The One who speaks and the winds obey Him.
The One who created light from darkness.
The One who created everything from nothing.
And He did.
He answered.
Grace. Mercy.
It's a tremendous comfort to know while in a completely powerless place that the Creator of the Universe is right there with you. Regulating! Orchestrating!
He makes it all happen according to His will, His purpose and for your good!
Prayer works. It does.
What are you praying for? Where do you feel powerless? What's beyond your reach?
Your hard is His easy!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer an supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6.
"Pray without ceasing." I Thessalonians 5:17
"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, an it will be done for you." John 15:7
Prayer works.
It does.
copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved. Images for this blog ONLY.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
I Hope They Know...
Spring Break!
I have not been doing much writing this past week. The only thing on my mind has been getting my two older children ready for their spring break trips. The only thing on their minds has been leaving! So getting them to concentrate on chores, homework and studying for exams have been all I can handle.
Packing! UGH! You know how it goes. Getting them ready and realizing everything they have is too small and washed out.
"What happened to the socks I just bought? What do you mean that was last summer?"
"You cannot take that underwear! Gotta have new underwear just in case there's an accident." That's my mother's wisdom.
"Are those the shoes you've been wearing?"
"What do you mean you only have one belt?"
"You are not taking that shirt."
So...I've spent a lot of time making lists, shopping, and packing.
I carefully planned each bag of luggage and backpack. They have everything they need and more. I mean down to Kleenex and hand warmers.
So they've been gone a couple of days. Each child on each side of the country.
Yes, I'm a mess. I want them home but excited that they are away. I am worried about kidnapping, blizzards, earthquakes, and a sudden case of early onset Dementia. I know I'm crazy.
My youngest is home with us by himself and HAPPY! He's in their stuff. He's playing their games, in their rooms and eating their snacks. Heaven I tell ya! HEAVEN!
My daughter has been gone one day and I've heard from her by 3 calls and many texts. My son has been gone for four days and I've gotten two calls and two texts! BOYS! Of course after I threatened to show up, I immediately got a call back. Funny!
I've been getting pictures of them and they are not wearing their clothes according to plan. Shirts, shoes, pants are all mixed up and they are HAVING A BLAST!
I am so excited for them!
I know...
They will remember the songs they sang on the bus ride. The view from the plane window.
They will joke with their friends.
They'll eat junk.
They will stay up way later than they need to.
They will forget to call.
They will lose something.
They will laugh uncontrollably.
They will see something that will remind them of home.
They will miss home.
They will want to come home.
They know that their father and I will be here ready and waiting!
I hope they know.
I hope they know how much they are loved.
I hope they know the sacrifices made in order to get them there: Hours of work. Money. Time. Preparation. Prayer.
I hope they know that they are blessed beyond measure to have these experiences.
I hope they know that they are surrounded by people that love and care for them.
I want them to know that each step has been planned and on purpose. They will use this information again. Something will happen in their lives and these experiences will be useful. They are creating memories and being prepared for the next season of their lives.
I hope they know how much I want them home but not before they see all that's planned for them to see and experience.
I hope they know.
And then I cried.
I wonder if the Lord thinks that of us.
I hope they know..
Really know the sacrifice of dying for them.
I truly love them.
I hope they know.
The plan of defeating death for them so that they can live.
The plan I have made specifically for their lives.
The care and protection I put into them daily. I have surrounded them with people who love them.
Each step. Each experience. All have been planned and on purpose.
They have been equipped.
They are chosen.
They win.
I hope they know.
How much I want to hear from them daily.
That I will never leave them or forsake them.
How much I want them home with me but not until their time and experiences are complete.
I am with them and I hope they are aware that I know...
Their experiences. Their joy. Their pain. Their prayers.
I know they will forget to talk to me. Read my Word.
I know they will mess up. Lose something.
I know they will laugh.
I know they will cry.
I know they will miss Me.
I know they will want Me.
And I will still be there. Ready.
And then I cried!
copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved. Pictures are for this blog only.
I have not been doing much writing this past week. The only thing on my mind has been getting my two older children ready for their spring break trips. The only thing on their minds has been leaving! So getting them to concentrate on chores, homework and studying for exams have been all I can handle.
Packing! UGH! You know how it goes. Getting them ready and realizing everything they have is too small and washed out.
"What happened to the socks I just bought? What do you mean that was last summer?"
"You cannot take that underwear! Gotta have new underwear just in case there's an accident." That's my mother's wisdom.
"Are those the shoes you've been wearing?"
"What do you mean you only have one belt?"
"You are not taking that shirt."
So...I've spent a lot of time making lists, shopping, and packing.
I carefully planned each bag of luggage and backpack. They have everything they need and more. I mean down to Kleenex and hand warmers.
So they've been gone a couple of days. Each child on each side of the country.
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East Coast |
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West Coast |
Yes, I'm a mess. I want them home but excited that they are away. I am worried about kidnapping, blizzards, earthquakes, and a sudden case of early onset Dementia. I know I'm crazy.
My youngest is home with us by himself and HAPPY! He's in their stuff. He's playing their games, in their rooms and eating their snacks. Heaven I tell ya! HEAVEN!
My daughter has been gone one day and I've heard from her by 3 calls and many texts. My son has been gone for four days and I've gotten two calls and two texts! BOYS! Of course after I threatened to show up, I immediately got a call back. Funny!
I've been getting pictures of them and they are not wearing their clothes according to plan. Shirts, shoes, pants are all mixed up and they are HAVING A BLAST!
I am so excited for them!
I know...
They will remember the songs they sang on the bus ride. The view from the plane window.
They will joke with their friends.
They'll eat junk.
They will stay up way later than they need to.
They will forget to call.
They will lose something.
They will laugh uncontrollably.
They will see something that will remind them of home.
They will miss home.
They will want to come home.
They know that their father and I will be here ready and waiting!
I look at the pictures of their sweet faces and I think...
I hope they know.
I hope they know how much they are loved.
I hope they know the sacrifices made in order to get them there: Hours of work. Money. Time. Preparation. Prayer.
I hope they know that they are blessed beyond measure to have these experiences.
I hope they know that they are surrounded by people that love and care for them.
I want them to know that each step has been planned and on purpose. They will use this information again. Something will happen in their lives and these experiences will be useful. They are creating memories and being prepared for the next season of their lives.
I hope they know how much I want them home but not before they see all that's planned for them to see and experience.
I hope they know.
And then I cried.
I wonder if the Lord thinks that of us.
I hope they know..
Really know the sacrifice of dying for them.
I truly love them.
I hope they know.
The plan of defeating death for them so that they can live.
The plan I have made specifically for their lives.
The care and protection I put into them daily. I have surrounded them with people who love them.
Each step. Each experience. All have been planned and on purpose.
They have been equipped.
They are chosen.
They win.
I hope they know.
How much I want to hear from them daily.
That I will never leave them or forsake them.
How much I want them home with me but not until their time and experiences are complete.
I am with them and I hope they are aware that I know...
Their experiences. Their joy. Their pain. Their prayers.
I know they will forget to talk to me. Read my Word.
I know they will mess up. Lose something.
I know they will laugh.
I know they will cry.
I know they will miss Me.
I know they will want Me.
And I will still be there. Ready.
And then I cried!
copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved. Pictures are for this blog only.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Stitches and Knots
I've heard so many times that you and I are God's Treasure.
We are His Masterpiece. His Tapestry. And He has a plan for us!
That's so wonderful to hear. Isn't it?!
I love knowing that He has a plan
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I love hearing about His promises.
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. and so through him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God." 2 Corinthians 1:20
I am overwhelmed when I hear how much He loves us.
"But God shows his love for us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
It's so comforting that the God of the Universe cares about us individually.
We often hear of these amazing truths and never fully receive what the Lord has for us because of our perspective.
What perspective?
The other side of the Tapestry.
Many of us view life looking at the back side of this Masterpiece.
It's a mess!
Random threads. Jumbled. Purposeless. Knots. Chaotic.Tangled. Frayed. Senseless.
Random threads. Jumbled. Purposeless. Knots. Chaotic.Tangled. Frayed. Senseless.
God is the Master Weaver. His view is complete. Every thread of failure, loss, rejection, triumph, faith, and promise are woven into His wonderful design.
He is creating His Master Work!.
Everywhere you go. Everything you see. There are no
accidents. Your experiences are custom made.
Every now and then He gives us a glimpse of what He is weaving. We see the beauty in life. We understand our purpose. We see the colors and patterns of answered prayer. We see the threads of impossibility woven to create possibility. We get the courage to continue because we can see that life isn't random and nothing is an accident.
Where are you today? What are you dealing with at this moment?
Family Discord...
Financial Difficulty...
During these times we often lose heart. Whatever it is, it's not the full picture.
"For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when completeness comes, what is in part disappears." I Corinthians 13:9
Every experience from the top of the mountain to the inmost depth of the valley is not wasted.
He's weaving.
He's planning.
Something good.
Even when we don't see it.
Every stitch. Every thread. Every knot. Every color. Every direction.
His Perfection.
His Jewel.
His Masterpiece.
His Jewel.
His Masterpiece.
For His Glory.
copyright 2015 All rights reserved.
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