Sunday, February 8, 2015

These Days

These Days...

I can't even begin to tell you about the twists and turns life has taken me. I am grateful. At the time of the twist or turn, I can't say that my first thought was "I'm grateful." It was something like "Are you kidding me?!"

Older women often encourage me and say "enjoy these days because you will miss them!"

I try to remember that as I scrub stains from my carpet or clean toilet seats. There's a bunch of stuff happening during these magical days. It's easy to get lost in the madness of it all.

Raising our three children, my husband and I often find ourselves bending in the winds of their lives. Homework, chores, extracurricular activities, and their many personalities are enough to keep us busy at all times.

This weekend our family traveled to San Antonio, Texas where our oldest son participated in a State Mariachi Competition.  In one day, we sat through eight hours of mariachi music. Any music for eight hours straight is enough to cause babbling, extreme hallucinations and mild depression. Trust me on this one!

During this exercise of waterboarding, my husband looked at me with a sweet smile and said "We're making memories."

Then it hit me!

"enjoy these days because you will miss them!"

I sat there and looked around.  The room fell silent. I turned around and looked at the face of my son. He smiled. He and his friends had faces of anticipation and excitement. They listened. I noticed the eyes of their director that were filled with confidence and hope. She listened. I captured the faces of their administrators and teachers who traveled to offer encouragement and support. They were proud. They listened. My daughter held my hand and my youngest son offered me another kiss. My husband pulled me closer.

I inhaled to remember the smells. I closed my eyes to hear what my eyes missed.

I cried a few tears and whispered "Lord thank you."

Immediately, I changed my perspective. It was no longer an elongated grim experience. It was my children's childhood. It was my years with my husband and school aged children. It was the support of friends and family. It was the lesson of hard work. It was a memory of longing for children and this moment being an answer to prayer.

I was there. Fully. I felt every second of it.

So this week I only have this.

Nothing deep.


These days are your memories. Your stories. Your testimonies. Your deliverance. Your victories. Your failures. Your lessons.

Your Life.

These days are your life.

Regardless of your situation, you can change your perspective and see the artistry of your days.

These days.

Enjoy them because one day you will miss them.


copyright 2015  All rights reserved.

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