It's been so long!
Actually, it's been a year. What happened you ask? Life. Husband. Children. Orchestra. Mariachi. Basketball. Volleyball. Work. Trained for a Marathon. Ran a Marathon. And so on.
What hasn't happened? SLEEP!
During this last year, I've had plenty of time to think and process about life, work, kids, health, weight and fitness. However, not a day has gone by when I haven't thought about purpose. Not one.
From as long as I remember I've been told that I have a purpose. I've heard countless messages and sermons about it. I've been involved in bible study groups and taken assessments regarding my purpose. Goodness, I think I spend most of my days guiding others towards theirs.
It's not that I don't know my purpose. I do. It's starting that makes me feel like I'm trying to climb Mount Everest while using an App. Ill equipped!
What happens when you know your purpose but have no idea how to execute? You know but there's no map. No directions. No way of knowing how to even start. Is there an app for that?
What happens when you know and try to start but run into people who are thriving? They are working brilliantly at theirs. What about the feelings of being stuck? What about the feelings of being unprepared? Feelings of inadequacy. What about paralyzing FEAR?
I know the scriptures about not having a spirit of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7 to be exact) I know about power, love and a sound mind. I know. I know! But what about when you know and still can't move. You can't breathe. You think to yourself "What if I fail? What if everyone finds out who I really am? Inadequate!"
I was recently on a road trip with two of my dearest friends,
Chrystal Hurst and
Priscilla Shirer. As many of our conversations go, we begin getting into each other's business! Asking questions and eventually holding each other accountable regarding some situation, project or plan. For some reason today I was on the hot seat!
I'm still trying to figure out how it happened!
So I sat there answering question after question. They were holding me accountable. They know my passion and I have shared with them on many occasions what I love to do most. They have always been gentle in their support but this day was different. While discussing my plans of walking in my purpose, the conversation got serious. Oh LAWD! They were drilling me about why I was stalling.
They were DRILLING me!
I felt like going into fetal position and rocking. (I'm being a bit melodramatic!)
Chrystal only asked one question but it felt like a million! "What's your plan?"
I started to sweat and babble. Something about monkeys, wizards and wind.
Then it happened.
I cracked!
I lost it!
"I'm not ready! I'm scared."
I just knew that these two sisters in Christ would lovingly support me. I felt myself vulnerable. Worried about exposing my deepest feelings. I knew that they would stop the car, hold me and let me weep into their loving arms.
Priscilla turned to me and with great certainty and volume said "Do it anyway! The enemy is attacking you and you can't let him stop you from moving forward. With all of that fear and uncertainty, you have to GET OUT OF THE BOAT ANYWAY!"
I looked to Chrystal for rescue. She looked at me. She nodded and said "Yep." (no rescue!) Thanks.
In my head, "There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."
I turned to look out the window and immediately I saw this scripture boldly displayed on a fence on side of the highway:
Commit your ways unto the Lord and He will establish Your thoughts. Proverbs 16:3
I thought "Chrystal, Priscilla, and the Lord are all ON ME!" I laughed, let go, and decided to get out of the boat. Not the car! :)
It's wonderful to have friends in life that listen to you and love you. But it's a blessing to have friends that are bold enough to challenge you. (Btw...those two wonderful women wiped my tears. Stood me up. Held my hand. And continue to walk beside me. I love them dearly.)
I was quickly reminded of a recent family vacation. We went on a snorkeling excursion and had the exciting opportunity to jump off the top of a boat into the ocean. I still marvel at the beauty of God's creation. The kids decided that they wanted to jump. I decided to photograph their decision!
They jumped. No worries. No hesitations. No life preservers. One at a time. They jumped.
Baby Boy! |
Sweet Girl! |
Big Boy! |
There is one important thing that you can't see in these pictures. It's what gave them their courage. It's what made it look so easy for them. It's what made them look so brave.
Their father is in the water!
He instructed them prior to their plunge, "When you jump in, just swim towards me. Don't worry. I'm here. I got you. Just swim in my direction."
The Lord is telling me and you to jump and swim towards Him! He's in the water. He wants us to keep our focus on Him.
"It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord you God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
Go into your purpose even though you feel ill equipped, inadequate, not ready, or not smart enough.
"Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." I Peter 5:7
As Priscilla told me "Sometimes you have to get out of the boat. Scared and all. Just walk on the water anyway."
Let's do it together. Let's dive into our Purpose! Let's pray for each other. Let's surround ourselves with friends that lovingly challenge us. Let's Jump.
He's there.
Let's swim towards HIM!
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