I want to take this time to say "Thank You" to those who have made this day possible. Thank you to those who have sacrificed in their service in defense of our country. Because of their bravery, I can have days like these.that are filled with freedoms that we often take for granted.
Thank You!
As I looked forward to a day of honoring I was among those who looked forward to a day of rest and relaxation while away from work.
When I fantasized about the day I thought of great food on my brand new grill. I imagined friends over and kids playing. I couldn't wait for this day home from work. I had Pinterest dreams of red, white and blue food on a red, white and blue table being eaten by my family wearing red, white and blue.
And then came reality!
It was a great day! I enjoyed my family. It was a day of wonderful food. But I cooked it! I chopped, seasoned, grilled and barbecued. I baked a cake and made cookies. Well, the cake was from a box and the cookies were pre-cut. But that's irrelevant! I added the ingredients and placed them in the oven. At any rate, this was not a part of my fantasy! It skipped the work. I don't think I had anything red, white and blue. I smelled like smoke and so did everyone else. My kids were just happy they didn't have school.
I wish I could say that my table looked like this:
![]() |
www.stonegableblog.com |
It did not. This is actually a pin I found on Pinterest. My actual table was complete with paper plates and mismatched cups because my day off included dishes! Yes that's right. Someone has to wash that beautiful place setting and linens. Today it was not going to be me. (Let the church say "Amen!")
My recipes were too complicated and so was my new grill. I forgot to get mint for the homemade lemonade. I rubbed my eyes after stuffing jalapenos. Then I remembered that I was the only one who even liked stuffed jalapenos. So I served soda, bottled tea and eventually just wrapped everything in bacon and called it a day! Yes I even wrapped the asparagus. (don't judge me!) Everybody likes bacon.
Today I:
cooked breakfast
cleaned after breakfast
prepped food for grilling and barbecuing
grilled and barbecued
fed my family
cleaned the grill
*my wonderful man did dishes
baked a cake
baked cookies
had an unexpected guest (glad it was a close friend because the house is scattered due to us painting)
went shopping for my kid's science project
washed and twisted my daughter's hair (this process took 3 hours)
wrote post on blog!
I did all of this and then felt guilty because I did not:
grocery shop for the week
prepare lunches
get kids ready for the week
finish work I brought home
help fold the laundry in the baskets
clean bathrooms
run at least 3 miles
remember everything that goes on the list!
All of this going on while I settled arguments, listened to my son's guitar solos, proofed my daughter's writing and kissed my youngest son's knee that needed a skate board band aid for the 3rd time in three days.
It was exhausting and I need a day off from my day off!
I know I am not alone. I know my fellow Moms and others who care for loved ones understand and agree with this misuse of the word "off."
Please know that I'm not complaining. I actually enjoyed cooking and spending the day with my family. I just don't want it to be confused with a day off!
Blessings and Laughter!
"Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time" Proverbs 17:22 (GNT)
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