Sunday, March 24, 2013

This Prayer Still Works!

When I think of prayer, of course I think of communicating with the Lord. These are precious moments when He speaks to us and we are positioned to receive from Him.  It’s that ideal time of 5am when you are sitting with coffee, Bible, a great devotional and notepad. You've had a goodnight’s rest, the kitchen is clean and you have prepared for the day. You have one whole uninterrupted hour of quiet time. (I wish!)  

I’m sure some women have the amazing ability to make it their daily reality. I aspire to be like them. But as for me and my house right now, this is not my consistent experience. And I have a feeling I’m not alone. Quiet time happens in spurts of time throughout the day. It looks more like prayer while doing dishes, driving kids to school, going to work and making dinner. Scripture reading is from note cards posted on mirrors, computers, doors and dashboards in cars.  It’s not always quiet and you are not always alone.

What and how we pray varies as much as we ourselves. However, there is one time of communication that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is powerful and it’s one that Heaven hears. It caught my attention as a child. I found myself listening intently as my grandmother and mother made their request known. At that moment, I also prayed that the Lord answered! It saved me and I’m quite sure it saved you. It called on the supernatural power of God. It resulted in the granting of grace and the extending of mercy. 

I find myself praying this powerful prayer:


Yes I have even prayed this prayer over my own sweet children.

They will thank me one day! :)

I’m here to say that the Lord hears and He answers! It’s a prayer that covers eye rolls, backtalk and “no!” It protects after calls from schools, sibling rivalry, and lost homework. It even calms the storm when the ball (that was not supposed to be thrown in the house) breaks that favorite candle, frame or vase. It acknowledges that God is sovereign over the impulses of an exhausted parent. 

So when you pray this prayer, know that you are not alone. We have all cried it out at one time or another. Some have even prayed it several times in one day! If you have not yet made this earnest plea, keep living!  Honestly, you don’t have to have children to pray this prayer. It can be used in many situations and difficult moments in life.  Yes, even that one.

I, myself, am writing this post as a living testimony to my mother’s answered prayer! And I am grateful. Ha!


"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing" - Martin Luther King, Jr.

copyright 2013  All rights reserved.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I Looked At My Hands

In the life of a Mom, a simple task can turn into a life lesson. 

Today I prepared chicken for my family.  I was exhausted and overwhelmed by the endless job of being wife and mom. As I worked in the kitchen, I looked at my hands.  All of a sudden I saw Big Momma Green, my great grandmother's hands as she worked the clothes on her washboard and put them on the line in her backyard.  I saw Big Momma Black, my dad's mom. Her hands were covered in flour as she prepared dinner for us. I saw her hands on the broom as she swept her porch.  I saw Big Momma Stewart's hands, also my great grandmother, as she made tea cakes and fresh biscuits.  I remembered my Grandmother's hands as she handled the hot combs when pressing my hair.  She used those same hands as she embraced her bible and walked into the sanctuary. She proudly took her place to stand and raise her hands to usher in members to the house of the Lord.  I saw my mother's hands as she so carefully cleaned and made our house a home. I also remembered her hands as she handed me the hot teas when I was ill.  I began to cry! At that moment I remembered my strength. 

These women aren't famous. They didn't write bestsellers or have the hands that made millions.  These hands weren't perfect but their hands kept their families together.  They loved their husbands and took care of their homes. They raised their children, grandchildren and even neighborhood children.  They soothed us when we were ill and wiped countless tears. These hands clasped together to teach us to pray. When they lifted their hands on Sunday mornings, it was as if they were reaching for the hands of the Master. Without shame. Their strength.

Most importantly, as I cried I remembered the hands of my Savior. Pierced. He was the only sacrifice worthy.  Therein lays my strength.  That's how we make it through tough times. It's the strength of the hands of the One who raised Himself from the dead. It's the hands of the One who heals. It’s the hands of the One who calms the storm. It's the hands of the One in Psalm 91 who hides me in the secret place! He is my refuge! He even ordered his angels to catch me if I stumble. Their hands will keep me from falling.

So lift your HANDS. 

Exodus 9:33 Moses lifted his hands and the thunder and hail stopped, and the rain no longer poured down on the land. 
Exodus 17:11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.
Psalm 28:2    Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your Most Holy Place
Psalm 63:4     I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands
Psalm 141:2    May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice
Jeremiah 26:14     As for me, I am in your hands; do with me whatever you think is good and right

I heard him say as I read Luke 24:39 "Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see"

It is Him. Our strength.  So join me as I lift my hands!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

To All the Moms Who Do It Wrong!

Before I had kids, I had opinions and ideas about how to raise kids. I watched all of the Oprah shows and ready many books about how to be an excellent wife and mom. I had plans of a well organized home, brilliant kids, and a great career. All while making sure my wonderful husband had his youthful and energetic bride.

Then...I had kids!

I would like to take this time to shout out to all the moms who do it wrong!  I give's over for me!  I must confess that there is no right way to be a mom.  I have been breaking my neck trying to make sure my three wonderful kids are healthy, smart and well cared for.  And to be honest, I'm exhausted! So, here's to all the moms who:

1.   only iron the front of your kids clothes because that's what really matters.
2.   put carrot sticks with chicken nuggets only to have something healthy on the plate...knowing they are not going to eat it
3. secretly relieved when they don't have homework
4.   has gone to the shoe store only to realize that their child's foot is 2 sizes larger
5.   has given a not so new toy or book to another child because you completely forgot about the party
6.   has put your child in timeout and forgotten about them
7.   has thanked the Lord for McDonald's
8.   Kinda listens to your kids' story by saying "uh huh. Really? Wow!"
9.   does allow your kids to watch more than 30min of TV.
10.  goes to bed with a sink FULL of dishes
11.  is always late
12.  can make a meal out of the snacks in the car and has
13.  is relieved when dad won't be home for dinner...2 minutes and beep...Dinner!
14.  has wiped their kids' nose with their own shirts
15.  has NOT taken a kid to the doc only to realize that they are actually sick
16.  has cleaned only the family room and guest bathroom for an event and prayed no one asks for the other bathroom
17.  dresses their kids out of the laundry baskets
18.  when laundry is done...feels like she has a new wardrobe because it's been so long
19.  enjoys going to work or wishes she could go
20.  has worn the same thing 2 days in a row because you won't see the same people
21.  has let your children do the same!
22.  thanks God for ALL day Kindergarten
23.  has yelled at your children to tell them to stop yelling
24.  can't remember the last time you took a picture of your youngest child
25.  hasn't yet included your youngest child in the family picture
26.  called your kid from another room only to retrieve something that you could have
27.  just so happen to remember on the way to a soccer game that you are the snack mom
28.  didn't remember that you were snack mom
29.  Calls your child by the wrong name
30.  hides treats from the kids so you don't have to share
31.  has cried in the shower
32.  has at least one box of Hamburger Helper
33.  has thanked the Lord for kids going to school everyday
34.  is a home school mom who has wished her kids went to school
35.  doesn't want to attend another conference/seminar on being an excellent wife
36.  has allowed your child to sit on your lap as you go potty
37.  has taken the long way home
38.  has questioned your decision to have kids
39.  has questioned your decision to be a wife

To all my sisters out there doing it wrong...I salute you!  So when you see me I may look like I have it all together.  BUT you and I know I did it all wrong! :-)


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Welcome to 2001! I think.

Today is my first blog! I'm so excited. In preparation, I researched to see when blogging began. Where else should I look but Wikipedia, right? It was a long article about people, diaries and I'm sure some other important stuff. But I read "Several broadly popular American political blogs emerged in 2001." That's as far as I got before my daughter started talking to me about an App.

It's 2013. So I think I'm right on time!

I am looking forward to sharing all things random in my life. Hang on! I'll be back. I have to finish trying to figure out how all this works. If it goes like my research, my next blog will be about my 6 year old's high school graduation!
